CALL TO ACTION! Citizens time to ACT! Multiple community groups made up of citizens have worked together to draft this new RURAL REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION "OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE", not "WE THE SPECIAL INTEREST!"
The last year of HORRID GLOBALIST CARPET BAGGER invading our areas telling us how top plan our communities for their special interest creating plans with LITTLE to NO community input while pushing a boiler plate UN Agenda 21/2030 / Metro Government agenda with proxies from Atlanta, Developers, special interest. All ignoring the communities input or presenting token offers.
It was time we take back our communities and KICK THESE ASSES to the curb!
Including these developer water-carrying county commissioners pushing this agenda on their behalf. Just remember we have elections coming up soon and a chance to REPLACE the FLACID, INCOMPETENT and FRAUDED Commissioners with America1st people, not special interest wolves.
We need you to send this resolution to every commissioner, the county attorney, the county mayor.
We need you to call and ask/demand this resolution is adopted by the county commission/attorney. Any county commissioner NOT adopting the resolution, take note and we will make sure their voters know about it in their next election. This will weed the wheat from the chaff and will enable citizens and community groups to be hyper focused on individuals to remove from office that are not about the people that put them there.
Call/Visit EACH County Commissioner to ADOPT the PLAN and report back with their responses, excuses to blocking the passing of the resolution. SUNSHINE is the BEST DISINFECTANT! We are working with others about opening investigations into the current people involved and their acts during the current planning process. More coming on that one. CLICK FOR PDF VERSION HERE CLICK for CONTACT LIST of MAYOR & COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. ____
Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) Title 13, Chapter 3 authorizes the establishment of planning commissions; however, under state law the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TDECD) has delegated authority to the Local Government Planning Advisory Committee (LGPAC) to form such commissions; and
The current Planning Commission, co-shared with the City of Chattanooga, was established to guide sustainable development, land use, and growth within unincorporated Hamilton County; and
The Hamilton County Board of Commissioners (“the Board”) recognizes the need to ensure impartial decision making on matters related to land use, zoning, and development within unincorporated Hamilton County; and
The Board desires to establish a separate Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency (hereinafter “HCRPA”) so that the body can focus on the specific planning needs of unincorporated Hamilton County, maintain independence, and ensure that members do not have direct conflicts of interest with development and real estate activities; and
The Board further requests that the LGPAC, pursuant to its state-mandated authority, dissolve the current Planning Commission for unincorporated Hamilton County and approve the formation of the new HCRPA; and
To promote equal representation for all areas of unincorporated Hamilton County, the voting membership shall be divided equally among the county’s designated geographic regions based on land area rather than on population density.
SECTION 1. Formation of the Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency
Pursuant to the authority granted by T.C.A. Title 13, Chapter 3, and recognizing the delegated responsibilities of the Local Government Planning Advisory Committee (LGPAC), the Board of Commissioners hereby establishes the Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency (“HCRPA”) as a separate and independent body for unincorporated Hamilton County.
SECTION 2. Dissolution of the Existing Planning Commission and Request to LGPAC
The co-shared responsibilities, authority, and jurisdiction of the existing Planning Commission arrangement with the City of Chattanooga, as it pertains to unincorporated Hamilton County, are hereby terminated.
The Board requests that the Local Government Planning Advisory Committee, acting under its statutory authority, dissolve the current Planning Commission and authorize the formation of the new HCRPA.
SECTION 3. Membership Qualifications and Ethical Standards
Composition and Appointment:
The HCRPA shall be composed of seven to nine (7–9) voting members. These members shall be appointed by the County Mayor and confirmed by the Board of Commissioners, in accordance with T.C.A. § 13-3-101 and other applicable statutes.
For equal representation, the voting members shall be allocated equally across the designated geographic regions of unincorporated Hamilton County, based on equal land area divisions rather than population density.
Each voting member must reside within the geographic region they represent and, as a condition of membership, reside in an unincorporated area of Hamilton County
Eligibility, Conflict of Interest, and Ethical Conduct:
No voting member shall be an active developer, real estate broker, or a direct employee or officer of a development or real estate organization.
Individuals who are associated with or who substantially benefit from real estate development or brokerage, or organizations representing such interests, shall be ineligible for voting membership.
A Planning Commissioner shall not serve simultaneously on two bodies or organizations with overlapping responsibilities.
Gifts and Personal Gain:
A Planning Commissioner may not accept gifts from anyone by reason of service on the Commission. A “gift” is defined as anything of economic value—whether in the form of money, service, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, item, or promise—provided without adequate and lawful consideration.
A Planning Commissioner may not use or attempt to use his or her official position for personal financial gain or to secure or attempt to secure special privileges and/or exemptions for himself, herself, or others.
A Planning Commissioner should not use the power of the office to seek or obtain any special advantage that is not in the public interest.
Consulting Role for Development Professionals:
Persons or organizations with expertise in development, real estate, or related fields may be invited by the HCRPA to provide advisory or consulting input on specific projects or initiatives but shall not hold voting positions.
SECTION 4. Appointment, Terms, Vacancies, and Removal
Term Lengths:
The initial terms of appointment may be staggered (e.g., 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years) to ensure continuity of service and orderly turnover, with all subsequent appointments or reappointments serving a standard term length as determined by the Board (commonly four years).
Any vacancy shall be filled by the County Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Board of Commissioners, for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Removal from Office:
A member may be removed for cause in accordance with the provisions set forth in SECTION 4A of this Resolution.
SECTION 4A. Removal of Members for Cause and Ethics Violations
Grounds for Removal:
A member of the HCRPA may be removed for cause if, after due process, it is determined that the member has:
Conflict of Interest: Engaged in activities or relationships that create a direct conflict between personal interests and the interests of the HCRPA, including but not limited to active participation in development, real estate brokerage, or direct employment with entities involved in these industries.
Violation of the Code of Ethics: Committed actions that violate the agency’s established code of ethics, including conduct that undermines the integrity or impartiality of the agency.
Neglect of Duty: Demonstrated a persistent failure to attend meetings, fulfill responsibilities, or engage in activities essential to the proper functioning of the HCRPA.
Conduct Detrimental to the Agency’s Purpose: Acted in a manner significantly contrary to the mission, policies, or operational requirements of the HCRPA, thereby impairing its ability to serve unincorporated Hamilton County’s planning needs.
Due Process for Removal:
Investigation: Upon receipt of credible allegations, an independent review shall be conducted by an Ethics and Oversight Committee or designated official.
Notice: The member subject to removal shall receive written notice detailing the allegations, supporting evidence, and the procedural steps to follow.
Hearing: A formal hearing shall be held, during which the member will have the opportunity to respond. The hearing may be conducted publicly or in closed session as appropriate.
Decision: A supermajority vote (not less than two-thirds) of the HCRPA or the Board of Commissioners (as designated by applicable law and this Resolution) shall be required for removal.
Right to Appeal: The removed member shall have the right to appeal the decision through established county procedures, subject to any applicable time limits or additional review processes.
SECTION 5. Governance, Meetings, and Administrative Structure
Quorum and Voting:
A majority of the HCRPA voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
All votes on agency matters shall be conducted by roll call.
The HCRPA shall hold regular meetings on the first Monday of each month at [5:00 PM or 6:00 PM, as determined by the Board].
Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or at the request of a majority of the voting members, with appropriate notice provided.
Chair and Vice Chair Appointments:
The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be appointed on an annual basis by the voting members of the HCRPA.
Any member desiring to be considered for these positions may submit their name for consideration. A quorum is required to conduct these appointments.
Shall preside at all HCRPA meetings.
May appoint committees to carry out the work of the Commission.
Vice Chairperson:
In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson.
In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the Chairperson’s designated representative shall perform the duties; if unavailable, the Vice Chairperson’s designated representative shall do so.
Director of the HCRPA:
The Director may be hired either by the County Mayor (with confirmation by the County Commission) or directly by the HCRPA.
The Director shall be qualified by training and experience in planning and shall supervise the professional, technical, and secretarial staff of the HCRPA.
The Director of the HCRPA shall serve as the permanent Secretary of the Commission.
Staff and Outside Consultants:
The HCRPA may employ such professional, technical, and secretarial staff as necessary for the effective operation of its programs and activities.
The staff shall be organized under the supervision of the Director and shall support the Commission’s policies and decisions.
The Commission may also hire outside consultants to assist its staff in developing and implementing its planning programs.
SECTION 6. Powers and Duties
The newly established HCRPA shall have the following powers and duties, as authorized under T.C.A. Title 13, Chapter 3 and other applicable statutes:
Comprehensive Planning:
Prepare, amend, and recommend a comprehensive plan for the physical development of unincorporated Hamilton County in coordination with relevant entities.
Zoning and Land Use Recommendations:
Advise the Board of Commissioners on zoning ordinances, rezoning requests, and land use regulations consistent with the county’s goals.
Subdivision and Site Plan Review:
Review and make recommendations or decisions on subdivision plats, site plans, and other development proposals for unincorporated areas.
Public Engagement:
Conduct public hearings, outreach, and other engagement efforts to ensure community input on planning decisions.
Provide transparent information on projects, proposals, and planning initiatives.
Intergovernmental Coordination:
Collaborate with municipal governments, including the City of Chattanooga, when regional cooperation is beneficial or required by law, while maintaining independent decision making.
SECTION 7. Budget and Funding
Fiscal Responsibility:
The County Mayor shall include budgetary recommendations for the HCRPA in the annual county budget proposal.
The Board shall approve funding for the HCRPA in accordance with standard county budgeting processes.
External Grants and Assistance:
The HCRPA is authorized, subject to Board approval, to apply for and receive grants or other funding assistance from state or federal agencies to support its planning activities.
SECTION 8. Transition Provisions
Effective Date:
This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval, or at such time as designated by the Board in compliance with T.C.A. and any other relevant procedural requirements.
Transition Planning:
The County Mayor, in coordination with the Board, shall develop and execute a plan for transitioning staff, resources, and records from the existing Planning Commission to the new HCRPA.
Existing contracts or agreements for professional services shall be reviewed and, if necessary, reassigned or renegotiated in accordance with applicable procurement laws.
Cooperative Agreements:
Where beneficial to the citizens of unincorporated Hamilton County, the HCRPA may enter into cooperative agreements with the City of Chattanooga or other municipal entities, provided such agreements do not affect the independent voting and policymaking authority of the HCRPA.
SECTION 9. Severability
If any section, subsection, clause, or provision of this Resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Resolution shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 10. Repealer
All prior resolutions, orders, or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this ____ day of ________, 2025 .
ChairpersonHamilton County Board of Commissioners
County Clerk
County Mayor